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통신실험 예비 14

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Exercise 1. Generation and Demodulation of BPSK signals
1. 실험 관련 이론
2. 실험 진행 과정

II. Exercise 2. BPSK Performance in Noise
1. 실험 관련 이론
2. 실험 진행 과정


실험 진행 과정
5. select the following signals using the Signal Interruptor/Selector
The display on the oscilloscope should resemble Figure.5-14. Explain how the carrier signal is generated.
6. Select the following signals using the Signal Interruptor/Selector
7. On the ocilloscope, set Channel 1 to 1 V/Div, and set the Time base to 0.5ms/Div.
On Selector 1 of the signal interruptor/Selector, select SIGNAL 6(TP6-the phase modulator output signal)
Describe the relationship between the PHASE MODULATOR OUTPUT signal and the LEVEL CONVERTer output signal
8. On SELECTOR1 of the Signal Interruptor/Selector, select SIGNAL8(TP8 – the BPSK output signal)
On the BPSK Modulator, adjust the Bandwidth to MAX, and adjust the gain until the amplitude of the BPSK signal is 2Vpp. Then vary the Bandwidth. Describe the effect of filtering the PHASE MODULATOR OUTPUT signal.
9. Disconnect the D-Connector cable at the TEST Points of the BPSK modulator, and connect it to the TEST Points of the BPSK Demodulator.
Disconnect the cable at the Selector 1 output of the signal Interruptor/Selector, and connect it to the BPSK input of the BPSK Demodulator.
On Selector2 of the signal interruptor/Selector, select Signal 1(TP1 – the TTL BPSK signal). Observe the oscilloscope display, and explain the function of the ZERO CROSSING DETECTOR in the BPSK Demodulator.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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