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볼리비아의 에보 모랄레스(Evo Morales)와 베네수엘라의 우고 차베스(Hugo Chávez)를 비교한 에세이 입니다. 영문으로 작성했습니다.

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Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia are both the president of South America country. Those two politicians have many things in common.
Hugo Rafael Chávez Frias was born on July 28, 1954, in Sabaneta, Venezuela, a small farming village located in the western state of Barinas. After joined military school, Chávez joined the army and quickly rose through the ranks to become head of an elite paratrooper unit. During service on the army, he began to known for his criticize to government.
On 1992, he disgusted with corruption among high-ranking military officers, and decided to do military coup. Chávez organized a group of like-minded soldiers and secretly formed an anticorruption organization called the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement. In 1992, Chávez and his band of over twelve thousand attempted to overthrow the Pérez government in a bloody coup that cost hundreds of lives. That attempt finally failed and Chávez was being prisoner for two years.


참고 자료

Hugo! The Hugo Chávez Story from Mud Hut to Perpetual Revolution.
Hanover, New Hampshire: Steerforth Press. JONES, BART (2007)
O'Keefe, Derrick. (Z Communications, 09 Mar 2005). "Building a Democratic, Humanist Socialism: The Political Challenge of the 21st Century". Retrieved 11 Nov 2005.
"'Evo Fashion' arrives in Bolivia", Morales's distinctive dress sense, on BBC News Online
Bolivia Information Forum Information and background about Evo Morales and MAS
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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볼리비아의 에보 모랄레스(Evo Morales)와 베네수엘라의 우고 차베스(Hugo Chávez)를 비교한 에세이 입니다. 영문으로 작성했습니다.
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