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The Outline, Problems, Solutions and Post Utilization of EXPO 2012 YEOSU KOREA

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Outline
1) Introduction and background
2) Fundamental explanation

2. Problems
1) Prior preparation shortage
2) Deficit
3) Inflation of prices
4) Traffic congestion

3. Solutions
1) Cooperation and Reflection of a Visitor’s Opinion
2) Price Crackdown as The Organizing Committee
3) Securing Uniformity
4) Limit to The Number of Persons to be Admitted by The hour
5) Operate The Regular Shuttle BUS

4. Post Utilization

5. Reference


1. Outline

- Introduction and Background

Expo is called 'The three largest events of the world' with Olympic, world cup. In this year 2012, The 66th Expo is held at Korea Yeosu during from May to August for about 93 days. Expo could be said the cultural, economical Olympic that exhibits mankind's achievement and future prospects. Plus, Expo suggests solution about the problem of co-humanity, and the vision of mankind. Thereby, The Expo contributes to coexistence of mankind and ecosystem. The official name is 'International Exposition Yeosu Korea 2012', and informal name is Yeosu Expo.

Yeosu Expo's main theme is 'The living ocean and coast' (Diversity of resource and sustainable activities) and Subsidiary themes are coastal development and preservation

<중 략>

According to this table, we can know about pavilion function of applicable plan that follows the Expo. First, Theme Pavilion and Korea Pavilion is monumental facility that represent Yeosu Expo so, they will be preserved and used for Marine research center, Educational institution and Expo memorial hall.

Aquarium is distinguishing pavilion so this also will be preserved and used as it is. International Organizations Pavilion and International Organizations Pavilion will be remodelled partially, then used as business facility and they will maintain as commercial businesses like restaurant or cafeteria. On the other hand, Climate & Environment Pavilion, Marine Industry & Technology Pavilion, Marine Civilization & City Pavilion and The Local Governments Pavilion are up in the air so, they have been discussed future plans.

참고 자료

MoodengIlbo (2012.11.08.) journalist : Ryu sung hun, Kang myung soo
CBS No-cut news (2012.10.01.) journalist : Park hyung joo
International newspaper (2012.08.08.) journalist : Kim tae kyung
Exop 2012 Yeosu Korea Organizing Committee < Enhancing the competitiveness of Yeosu and study on applicable plan following the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea > (2008)
Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Committee < Mediun and Long-term study on applicable plan that follws the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea > (2010)
여수 엑스포 공식 홈페이지 http://www.expo2012.kr
논문자료 'The Spatial Renovation of Site of International Exposition Yeosu in View of Urban Regeneration'
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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