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F1 Korea 분석 PPT. (STP, 4P, SWOT분석 포함)

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15페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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F1 Korea 분석 피피티, F1 Korea 분석 PPT. (STP, 4P, SWOT분석 포함), 15분 PPT, 국제마케팅전략, 케이스스터디



2.About F1

3.F1 SWOT Analysis

4.Sport marketing
1)Promotions & marketing strategy
2)Examples of marketing of products through sport



About F1
- THIS video clip is drive film used by the BBC at the end of the 2010 F1 Season.

Formula One, also known as Formula 1 or F1 and referred to officially as the FIA Formula One World Championship

The formula was defined during 1946; the first Formula One race was during 1947; the first World Championship season was 1950.

The 2013 Formula One season is the 64th season of the Formula One World Championship. Eleven teams and twenty-two drivers contest the nineteen Grands Prix that make up the calendar for the 2013 season,[2] with the winning driver and team being crowned the World Drivers` and World Constructors` Champions. The season started inAustralia on 17 March and is planned to end in Brazil on 24 November.

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F1 Korea 분석 PPT.  (STP, 4P, SWOT분석 포함)
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