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Faith and Doubt in Victorian Britain(Book review)

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5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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영문학 영문버전 북리뷰




Elisabeth Jay, a professor of Oxford Brookes University, has written many books about cultural history in conjunction with contemporary literary works. According to her personal profile, she has a predominant historical interest of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, hence most of her books have gone deep into the study of interdisciplinary area of literature and theology in the Victorian period.

<중 략>

These views were held by men such as, S. T. Coleridge, Tomas Arnold, Benjamin Jowett and several more writers. Jay gathered them together, because she believes that they have a common characteristic, which is a strong moral feeling, presenting itself in a concern for the social and educational welfare of on avowedly Christian nation.

<중 략>

Jay includes many primary resources to support the points that she makes. She clearly shows the various religious and counter religious positions; conveying the confusion and doubt that existed at the time. The editor, Arthur Pollard, said students of literature or history would benefit from a fuller knowledge of the background behind the topics.

참고 자료

Elizabeth Jay, Faith and Doubt in Victorian Britain, (London: Macmillan, 1986)
Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/
Oxford Brookes University http://ah.brookes.ac.uk/staff/details/jay/
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