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한국의 전반적인 정보를 소개하는 영어 에세이 입니다

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한국의 경제 지리 사회 문화 전반적인 소개를 하는 영어 에세이입니다.

한국에 대한 방대한 지식 정보를 영어로 제공합니다.


South Korea

1. Geography
2. Population
3. Economy
4. Labor
5. Agriculture
6. Forestry and Fishing
7. Mining
8. Manufacturing
9. Energy
10. Transportation
11. Communications
12. Currency and Banking
13. Foreign Trade



South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, country ina that occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula.South Korea is bounded on the north by North Korea; on the east by the Sea ofJapan; on the southeast and south by the Korea Strait, which separates it fromJapan; and on the west by the Yellow Sea. It has a total area of about 38,023 sq.ncluding numerous offshore islands in the south and west, the largest ofwhich is Cheju (area, 1829 sq. km/706 sq. mi.). The state of South Korea wasestablished in 1948 following the post-World War II partitioning of thepeninsula between the occupying forces of the United States in the south and theUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the north. The capital and largestcity of South Korea is Seoul.In contrast to North Korea, South Korea is relatively poor in mineraln ore

<중 략>

Mass media have assumed large importance since the 1950s. In the early1990s about 44 million radios and 9.1 million television sets were operating inSouth Korea. National daily newspapers number 23.Currency and Banking The unit of currency in South Korea is the won (806.8 won equal U.S.$1;1994). The Bank of Korea is the bank of issue.Foreign Trade Following the disruption of trade during the Korean War (1950-1953) andits aftermath, exports increased at the remarkable annual rate of 27.2 percentajor imports includeindustrial machinery, petroleum and petroleum products, chemical products,transportation equipment, raw materials (such as wood and raw cotton), andelectronic components. Exports include electrical machinery,

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