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미시경제학과 관련한
한계편익, 한계비용, 창조적파괴, 가격상한제, 최저가격제, 수확체감의법칙등에 대한
간단한 설명과 예를 영어로 적은것입니다.


1. Specify and explain the typical shapes of the marginal-benefit and marginal-cost curves. How are these curves used to determine the optimal allocation of resources to a particular product? If current output is such that marginal cost exceeds marginal benefit, should more or fewer resources be allocated to this product?

2. How can technological advance result in creative destruction?

3. What is a price ceiling and what are its economic effects?

4. What is a price floor and what are its economic effects?

5. With the help of an example, explain the law of diminishing returns.


1. Specify and explain the typical shapes of the marginal-benefit and marginal-cost curves. How are these curves used to determine the optimal allocation of resources to a particular product? If current output is such that marginal cost exceeds marginal benefit, should more or fewer resources be allocated to this product?

<중 략>

He would start increasing his output by adding new field. He would be able to obtain fertile fields, which get a lot of sunshine in the beginning, so let’s say he could increase 1 more unit of output by adding 1 hectare of new field. However, as he keeps adding new field, it would become difficult to obtain fertile fields in some point. Therefore, the output of increase that he could gain from adding new fields would be decreasing.

참고 자료

BusinessDictionary.com. (2012). law of diminishing return. Retrieved from July 22,
2012, from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/law-of-diminishing- returns.html
Investopedia (n.d.). Creative Destruction. Investopedia. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from
Mcconnell, Campbell R. et al. (2010). Microeconomics. Canada :McGraw-Hill.

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