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IMF crisis as a role model for Global Financial Crisis

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


이번에 학교 과제로 제출한 Analytical report 입니다. 상세하게 IMF 가 생긴 원인과 그의 영향, 그리고 미국 2008년도 글로벌 경제 공황에 대한 간단한 overview에 대해서 쓴 리포트 입니다. IMF 경제 위기를 타파한 해결책을 토대로 미국 경제 위기에 대한 해결책을 마지막에 제시하였습니다. 많은 자료를 바탕으로 짜임새 있게 쓰여진 리포트라고 생각됩니다.


Introduction 4

Research Plan 5

Results of Study 7

Discussion of Results 13

Appendix 17

Glossary of Terms 17

Works Cited 18


The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations by looking back a major financial crisis in Korea called as “IMF crisis” for the current recession in which has been concerned as a vestige of Global Financial Crisis in 2008. After analyzing the causes and the effects of IMF crisis, I argue that the solutions in which Korea has been through the successful installment for resolving the major financial crisis within four years would help providing adequate solutions for the current recession. My research plan contained five phases 1) Developing research criteria, 2) Gather Information, 3) Study the causes and the effects of IMF, 4) Interview with an Economics professor, and 5) Analyze the current recession and find out solutions by implementing basic lessons from IMF crisis. Based on my research, I assumed that economic crisis is related not only with the internal conditions but also the external conditions due to the contribution of free market system. There were similarities between two crises in terms of causes and effects. An effect such as loose risk management was in charge of one of reasons to make worse financial crises in both countries. However, the depth and size of two crises are different: IMF crisis impacted majorly on Asian countries in which were developing countries whereas Global Financial crisis impacted majorly on Europe and worldwide. Nowadays, many experts claim that the recession started from 2008 is still influencing on job market and the entire economy. This report provides the overall viewpoints about in which causes financial crisis and how those complex economic factors influence stakeholders, finally giving a recommendation to dismiss current recession as well as preventing future financial crisis.

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