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A+ 영어 에세이 [Cause-Effect Essay] The Causes of Divorce in Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


대학교 영문학전공 영작문 강의에서 만점 받은 에세이입니다.
원인-결과 형식의 에세이 중 원인에 초점을 맞춘 글입니다.
원어민 교수에게 직접 교정 받은 후 업로드합니다. (문법&어휘 오류 無)

※ 영작 과제 작성시 그대로 배끼지 마시고, 참고자료로만 활용하실 것을 부탁드립니다.

주제 : 한국의 이혼율 증가 원인 [3가지]

에세이 유형 : Cause-Effect Essay [원인 또는 결과에 초점을 맞춘 영작하기]

총 글자수 : 400 단어 내외 (A4 1~2 장 분량)


[Cause-Effect Essay] The Causes of Divorce in Korea

1. Introduction Paragraph
2. Body Paragraph - 3 Causes
3. Concluding Paragraph


The divorce rate in Korea is continuously growing these days. Currently, Korea has the highest divorce rate in the world. According to the National Statistics Office, 117,000 couples got divorced in 2010. An increase in the divorce rate has recently emerged as a serious social issue. Why is the number of divorces increasing? There are three main causes of divorce: improvement in women’s socio-economic status, dissimilarity in character, and infidelity.

Perhaps the most common cause of divorce is that the position of women in Korean society has greatly improved in the last few decades. In the past, most women did not have financial independence, so they had to depend on their husbands for financial support. Furthermore, women’s social activities were restricted. As a result, it was difficult for women to separate from their husbands. However, nowadays, the role of women continues to improve and the number of women with careers is increasing significantly. Thus, many women no longer have to depend on their husbands financially, so it makes it easier for them to divorce.

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A+ 영어 에세이 [Cause-Effect Essay] The Causes of Divorce in Korea
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2024년 05월 08일 수요일
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