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History, Civil War, What they foght for

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3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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미국 내전에 관한 내용입니다. 남,북이 왜 싸웠는지 무엇 때문에 싸웠는지에 관해 설명합니다.




What They Fought For
The book ‘What They Fought For 1861-1865 by James M. McPherson’ contains the letters and diaries of nearly one?thousand Union and Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War.The letters and diaries they wrote show perspectives of what the soldiers of the Civil War fought for and explain why and what motivated these soldiers to volunteer and to risk their lives for what they believed was right. The first chapter of this book contains letters and diaries of Confederate soldiers while second chapter that of Union soldiers. These letters and dairies give me best answers of reasons and motivations they choose to fight in the Civil war.
According to the book the confederacy was their country to Confederate soldiers. They did choose to fight for liberty and independence of their own nation and people this is reflected in the diary by the captain in 4th Alabama “I am willing to fall for the cause of Liberty and Independence,” and in a Missouri lieutenant’s diary “fighting gloriously for the undying principles of Constitutional liberty and self-government”.

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History, Civil War, What they foght for
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