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Ghost story_fixed

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The Black Waterfall
I heard this story from a strange guy who I do not know. I met this weird guy a few years ago. I used to spend a night in the library because I was senior and had a lot of exams left to graduate he night I met him too, I was staying in the library till late night for the test tomorrow.
I remember the day very dismal. There was no rain outside but windy, and the dim glow of the sallow crescent made me feel more unpleasant.lad because I could see him very easily. It made me feel comfortable that someone is with me in the same space. I thought that he felt the same as me. He was tall and thin, and wore glasses. I thought he was a strange because he continued to look around just like trying to find somebody even there is no one else but me. A little later, the uncanny guy hesitantly came up to me and asked me if I believed in ghosts. I was surprised, stared at him with wide eyes. I actually had neither experience of ghosts nor a fan of scary stories.

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