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경희대 leaders and leadership 김민전교수님 (외부초청강사 조영탁)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Qualifications and Roles of a Leader ( 3rd assignment )
경희대 이번 2011-1학기 김민전 교수님 온라인강의였으며, 모든 강의는 외부초청강사의 강의로 이루어졌습니다. 그 중 조영탁씨의 강의를 듣고 First. Summarize the lecture.
Second. Choose one person who was/is a leader of an organization, and argue whether the person was/is a good leader or not, giving 2 or more reasons 영어로 작성하였습니다.

이번 2011-1학기 LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP 성적 - A0 입니다
(only 과제3번 + 출석 으로만 평가됨)




First. Summarize the lecture.

HUENET is a famous company about management training of office worker. This lecturer `Cho Young-Tak` is the chief executive officer of HUENET. The lecture is about what leadership means, what kind of features a leader needs to acquire and what roles leaders need to play.
It could be so boring. However, he gave a talk in sharing his personal experiences.
In sequence, he said about four elements. They are elements, people, power, process, and performance. These are key-word in mentioning the leadership.
He emphasized the human relation and making good decision on the qualifications of a leader.
I think that human relation is one of the most important thing. Specially, I sympathize that treating a person appropriately is a core to chief executive officer.
Next, he said about roles of a leader. The roles could connected to the mind-set of leader. Being good leader is need various things. Perhaps, offering words of encouragement can be a great spur to employee.
In his speech, I was stirred for many things about attitude of leader. I learned that living like a flowing water has to sublated. If a leader just rests on their present, they will make no progress.
He said that leader`s role is to bring tension into group and try to make the group enjoy the changes. As a result, the motivated company will be developed at every moment.
Changing the habit is the very difficult behavior. So, if the leader doesn`t help the employee, they can easily feel tired.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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경희대 leaders and leadership 김민전교수님 (외부초청강사 조영탁)
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