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Spain, How Democratized

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13페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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스페인 민주화 과정에 관한 발표자료


How is Francisco Franco
Spanish Civil War
Franco’s Dictatorship
Transition to Democracy


Nationalistas(nationalist, Right-wing) vs.
Republicanos (Republicans, Left-wing)
Nationalists-supported by Hitler and Mussolini
Franco’s Dictatorship
Franco’s Dictatorship
Divided in two period :
1939~1957 / 1957~1975
First period- Suppressive, Poverty, Rising resistances
Franco’s Dictatorship
Later period (1957~1976)
Liberalized but limited

참고 자료

이혜령 외 16명 지음, 『유럽바로알기』, 지식의 날개, 2006, pp. 221~235
황보영, 『스페인 민주화와 아돌포 수아레스의 정치활동』, 2006.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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