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경제학연습 완성본 XXXX

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


G20 English Paper


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The whole history of the international cooperation system
Ⅲ. A new system, the G20
Ⅳ. Current state of the G20, and the Strategy of South Korea.
Ⅴ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Introduction
The recent 2008 economic crisis, which started in 2008 in the US, came from the United States changed the economic situation, creating tension in the whole world. Due to this situation, an international cooperation system, operated by developed countries created the new system, the G20, in order to stabilize the crisis through the closer cooperation. This was a short-term prescription. In this paper we will analyze the past and the present of this system and discuss the implications and future prospects of it. we will also look at the definition of the G20 and the relationship between the G7 and the G20. Then we will consider the direction for its sustainable development and the role of Korea in this system.
Ⅱ. The History of International Cooperation System
A. International cooperation system under the hegemony of Great Britain
- The gold standard
It is indispensable to research from international cooperation system under the hegemony of the Great Britain to see whole history of international cooperation system related to finance.

참고 자료

Seoul G20 summit meeting`s outcome and Tasks to be solved, SERI, 2010
Sung Jin Choi reporter,「Beyond the G20 to G192」, The Hankyoreh News, 2010
Sarkozy special committee, G20 structure reformation advisement, Yunhap News, 2011
Seung Ryun Kim reporter, President Lee Myung Bak relay bilateral talks International
labor unions , Donga News, 2010.11.11.
Seoul G20 summit meeting`s outcome and Tasks to be solved, SERI, 2010.11.27
The Participation Party Policy Committee,「G20 summit meeting, for what?」. 2010.10.21.
Sun-Hee Ahn reporter, as The voices of developing countries are growing louder, as
positive opinion rises-representativeness controversy over selection criteria of participant
countries, The Hankyoreh News, 2010.11.1
Kim Guangsik, Economic cooperation of the G20 for getting over the global financial
crisis and our role, Chungcheong university thesis vol.37.
Researcher`s material, 「A exchange rate policy in emerging countries and its prospe
t」, Weekly finance brief Vol.20, No.3, Korea institute of finance 2011.
Lang Xianping . 『The sino-america war』, Viabook, 2010. p. 51~56.
Kim Junghwan, 「The ecent currency war and its implication」, weekly finance brief,
Korea institute of finance, 2010. p5
Karl Polanyi, 『The Great Transformation』,The road, 2009


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