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기후변화(영문판) climate change 관련 프레젠테이션

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


기후변화 관련 프레젠테이션이에요.
영문판입니다~ 제가 G20 포럼 때 많은 사람들 앞에서 발표한 것입니다.


1. Climate Change
2. Sustainable development of city
3. Conclusion
4. Reference


*Example in south Korea
1. Kimpo
New Town
+build up the high-tech and eco garden city
+wildlife preservation for migratoty bird-wildlife
+to establish the Green Network
+The light electric railway service between Kimpo airport.

New Town
+to build up the complex city for the administration and self- sufficient New Town with the location of the high-tech industry
+to consult Suwon and Yongin’s conveniences with formation of urban area and eco-environment

New Tow
+to consult Sungnam conveniences with formation of urban area and eco-environment
+ To achieve financial support for site which is linked with and self-sufficient function facilities of business, research and knowledge.

참고 자료

l  *Byun, Byungseol (2005). Sustainable Eco-city Planning
l  * Song, Yong-Bae (2002), Influence of New Town  Development on the Urban Heat Islands
l  *Kim, Yong-soo (2005), A Study on the New Town Development and Urban Redevelopment for Eco-City
l   *Kim, Yong-soo (2004), A Study on Spatial Configuration of Neighborhood throught Five New Cities in the Capital Area.
l   *Lee, chun-Ki (2004), A Plan to Promote Ecopolis which is Suitable for Korea
l   *Insook, Kwak, The Role of Resicents for the Sustainable Ecopolis and Eco village.
l   *Kimm Sung-gyun(2003), Theory and Practices of Eco-villages
l   *Cho, Yeon-hee, Ahn,Tong-mahn(2005). A Case Study of an Ecovillage
l   *Rogers jalal boyd ,An introduction to sustainable development
l     http://www.kimpo1.co.kr
l      http://www.gwanggyonewtown.or.kr
l    &
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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