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[Learning Disorder]영문 학습장애(Learning Disorder)에 대한 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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[Learning Disorder]영문 학습장애(Learning Disorder)에 대한 분석


Ⅰ. outline
1. Definition of Learning Disorder _ 1
2. Epidemiology _ 1
3. Types of Learning Disorder _ 1
1) Academic Learning Disorder
(1) Reading Disorder
(2) Writing Disorder
(3) Mathematics Disorder
2) Developmental Learning Disorder
(1) Attention Deficit Disorder
(2) Memory Disorder
(3) Movement Disorder
(4) Thought Disorder
(5) Speech Disorder

Ⅱ. Etiology
4. Etiology of Learning Disorder _ 3
1) Genetic influence
2) Brain abnormalities
3) Role of psychosocial and environmental factors

Ⅲ. Symptoms and Characteristics
6. Symptoms and Characteristics _ 4
1) Reading Disorder
2) Writing Disorder
3) Mathematics disorder _ 6

Ⅳ. Treatment approaches
7. Treatment approaches to LD _ 6
1) Biological Approaches
2) Behavioral Approaches
3) Cognitive Approaches

* References _ 8


1. Definition of Learning disability
The term "Learning Disabilities" usually refers to developmental problems in reading, writing, and arithmetic ―the "three Rs" of the classroom that are essential to learning as well as to everyday functioning.

2. Epidemiology
Prevalence of learning disabilities ranges from 2~10 percent of U.S. school children, with rates for boys higher than for girls. Prevalence has been affected by school practices regarding the identification of LD.

3. Types of Learning disability
1) Academic Learning disability
These Disabilities are also respectively termed "dyslexia"(Reading Disorder), "dysgraphia"(Writing Disorder), and "dyscalculia"(Mathematics disorder). Youth with learning disabilities most are reading disabled.

(1) Reading Disability
Children with reading problems may struggle to read excessively slowly or haltingly, have limited vocabulary, be able to read but not understand what they have read, or not remember what they have read.

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[Learning Disorder]영문 학습장애(Learning Disorder)에 대한 분석
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