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EMG Fundamental principles

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


EMG Fundamental principles에 관하여 근전도 textbook인 드미트로 위주로 요약정리한 글입니다.


Nerve and Muscle Anatomy and physiology
Electrical Sources and Volume Conduction
Waveform morphology in nerve
Waveform morphology in muscle
High-and Low-frequency filters
Analag to digital(A/D) conversion
Cathode ray tube(CRT) displays
Electrical safty


** Nerve and Muscle Anatomy and physiology
Resting Membrane Potential
- all living cells : intracellular (-), extracellular (+)
- resting membrane potential
: potential difference across the cell membrane, when an AP is not present
- dynamic equilibrium develops between
① the intracellular negative charges pulling K+
② the high intracellular K+ concentration attempting to push K+out
;potential difference a negative 60-90mVs compared to the extracellular environment

Action potential generation
-two basic excitable tissues in humen body ; nerve(n) and muscle(m)
-m`s intracellualr AP in monophasic positive
n`s intracellualr AP biphasic and initially positive

**Electrical Sources and Volume Conduction
Volume conduction theory
-describes the three-dimensional spread of electrical current (=charge movement) in any conducting medium
-current density: amount of separation from one current line to the next
greater near the battery poles than further away
-dipole(+,-); current flow (+) -> (-)
-current lines extend between the positive and negative poles
-isopotential lines are perpendicular to the current lines
; represent a constant potential or voltage magnitude

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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