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비정상적인 QRS파 검출을 위한 알고리즘 구현

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


인도 MIT 인턴쉽 과정 중에 했던 mini project 자료입니다.
기본적인 2가지 알고리즘을 통해 파형을 검출했습니다.
Matlab 프로그래밍 자료까지 첨부되어 있습니다.


My Details
Two algorithm for finding QRS complex
Problem1. Approach based on digital filter
Problem2. Approach based on the hilbert transform.


QRS complex is the main signal in electrocardiogram. electrocardiogram abbreviated ECG is the diagram which registers the electrical variation of beating heart. Especially, it is the main problem in biomedical engineering to detect the peak which is described as QRS complex. Because it can be used to many fields , such as real time patient monitoring,
We should keep in mind that the ECG waveform has a many shifting element.
For example, The ECG waveform is possible not only to include the respiration which lead to the baseline drift but also to contain the noise signal.
Therefore, we should do the peak detection with considering that variables.

We apply the 2 algorithms to detect QRS complex. Refer to a piece of paper, there are the special algorithm for reduction of each noise. As a result, it is important to use the algorithm being suitable to the included noise.
In problem1, the digital filter is applied to find the R-peak. The digital filter is powerful solution in the most of noises. Let`s see the problem2. It is beneficial to use the hilbert transform as the compensation caused by the phase shift. In this case, we recover the signal, although ECG signal passed through the differentiator. As a result, the noise is removed by differentiator efficiently and the signal is restored to close to original state
In conclusion, I think what if I implement more algorithm in internship duration. Especially, I really want to use a wavelet. Although I studied for 2-days to implement using wavelet, I didn`t reach the enough level to embody by using that. Even I had unsatisfied feeling. I hope that I have an opportunity to realize many algorithms in the future when I will get a high level in communication.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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