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관내에서의 종파(Waves in a Tube)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The overall experiment of this report consists of total four experiment. The first experiment is to verify that the resonance frequencies of an open tube and a closed tube follow a certain pattern dependent on the fundamental resonance frequency. The second experiment is to determine the speed of sound by measuring the wave length of the standing wave produced within a tube. The third experiment is to verify that the phenomenon of resonance occurs only if the frequency of the sound and the tube length follow a certain physical condition. The fourth experiment is to verify that the standing wave in an open tube occurs as if the length of the tube is somewhat longer than the actual value of the tube length.


Ⅰ. Preface
1. Background and Intention
2. Brief Objectives of Experiment

Ⅱ. Theory
1. The Sound Wave Equation created in a Tube
2. The Standing Wave of a Sound Wave and Resonance

Ⅲ. Equipment Used

Ⅳ. Procedure
1. Experiment 1 : Resonant Frequencies of a Tube
2. Experiment 2 : Standing Waves in a Tube
3. Experiment 3 : Tube Length and Resonant Modes
4. Experiment 4 : The Speed of Sound in a Tube

Ⅴ. Result and Analysis
1. Experiment 1 : Resonant Frequencies of a Tube
2. Experiment 2 : Standing Waves in a Tube
3. Experiment 3 : Tube Length and Resonant Modes
4. Experiment 4 : The Speed of Sound in a Tube

Ⅵ. Conclusion


In the first experiment, we could find the condition in which the resonance would occur. That is, if the both ends of the tube were closed, then the magnitude of all the resonance frequency would be an integer multiple of the fundamental resonance frequency. That is, provided that is the resonance frequency with resonance mode and is the fundamental resonance frequency. If only the one end were opened, then an alternative equation of would be satisfied.
In the second experiment, we could determine the speed of sound according to the standing wave occurred in the closed and open tube. We could measure the wave length of the standing wave and by adopting the magnitude of the frequency, we could calculate the speed of sound to be 320 m/s and 262 m/s respectively.
In the third experiment, we detected the length of the tube in which the resonance would be provoked. We listed all the magnitude of the length that would provoke the resonance and compared them with our theoretically expected values. However, the both set of data did not correspond with each other very well, because the condition of either open tube or closed tube was not completely assured.
In the last experiment, we could verify that the standing wave would be generated within an open tube as if the length of the tube is somewhat longer than the actual length. In addition, this increment in the tube length can be interpreted by calculating the ratio , which is expected to be between 0.2 and 0.8 and was ineed 0.258 in our experiment.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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