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Dating Sun’s Locations at Equinoxes Inscribed on Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국천문학회 수록지정보 : 천문학회지 / 56권 / 2호
저자명 : Sang-Hyeon Ahn


Coordinate System of the C-Map Star Chart
Reference Point and Reference Direction
Sun's Location at the Winter Solstice
Taichuli and Santongli
Houhan Sifenli
Qianxiangli and the C-Map Inscription
Obserational Epochs
Statistical Tests
Zu Chongzhi(祖沖之)'s Memorial on the Drift of the Winter Solstice

영어 초록

The inscription of Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido (天象列次分野之圖) has the sun’s locations at the equinoxes, which must have been copied from the astronomical treatises in Chinese historical annals, Songshu (宋書) and Jinshu (晉書). According to the treatises, an astronomer Wang Fan (王蕃, 228–266 CE) referred those values from a calendrical system called Qianxiangli (乾象 曆, 223 CE), from which it is confirmed that it adopted the sun’s location at the winter solstice of the (211 4 )th du of the 8th lunar lodge Dou (斗) as the reference direction for equatorial lodge angles. This indicates that the sun’s locations at equinoxes and solstices in the calendrical system are the same as those in Jingchuli (景初曆, 237 CE). Hence, we propose that the sun’s location at the autumnal equinox in Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido should be corrected from ‘wu du shao ruo’ (五度少弱), meaning the (51 6 )th du, to ‘wu du ruo’ (五度弱), meaning the (411 12 )th du, of the first lunar lodge Jiao (角), as seen in Jingchuli. We reconstruct the polar coordinate system used in circular star charts, assuming that the mean motion rule was applied and its reference direction was the sun’s location at the winter solstice. Considering the precession, we determined the observational epoch of the sun’s location at the winter solstice to be

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Dating Sun’s Locations at Equinoxes Inscribed on Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido
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