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돈황 막고굴에 나타난 다보탑의 변천

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 22권 / 5호
저자명 : 조정식, 김버들, 조재현, 김보람


1. 서 론
1-1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
1-2. 연구 방법 및 범위
2. 돈황 막고굴 경변화의 다보탑
2-1. 불탑도 및 다보탑도의 분류
2-2. 견보탑품에 나타나는 다보탑의 특징
3. 기단부 변화 고찰
3-1. 基身
3-2. 계단
3-3. 난간
3-4. 기단의 修飾
4. 탑신부
4-1. 일산형
4-2. 스투파형 다보탑
4-3. 전각형 다보탑
5. 상륜부의 변화고찰
5-1. 상륜부가 없는 다보여래의 공간
5-2. 상륜부의 등장
5-3. 상륜부의 일반화
5-4. 상륜부의 간소화
6. 결 론

영어 초록

This study aims to investigate the architectural characteristics of the Da-bo stupa by examining the correlation among architectural languages and by studying the features of its architectural components and transitional changes shown in Da-bo stupa line drawings in Dunhuang Mogao Grottes. The results are as follows. 1st, the Da-bo stupa of Dunhuang faithfully follows the sutra of lotus, and although the form changes, the fundamental essence of Bo-tap-yong-chul and two seated Buddhas provided by the Gyun-bo-tap-pum in the sutra of lotus is consistent. 2nd, the pagoda body can be periodically divided into parasol, stupa, and royal palace types. The parasol type has an incomplete tower body, which makes distinguishing each of its architectural components difficult. The stupa type appeared between the early (AD 618–712) and middle (AD 766–835) Tang dynasty. It combines the form of Indian stupa type and East Asian wood structural architecture. The royal palace type, which appeared between the peak period of the Tang (713–765) and Sung Dynasties, shows the standardized pattern of the Da-bo stupa described as two seated Buddhas and Bo-tap-yong-chul. 3rd, the use of a stylobate does not appear in the early construction of Da-bo stupa, only in the later period, in the form of high pillars. Forms include many Su-mi-jwah and three-way stairways and Dab-do, but as time passes, the forms are simplified to the form of high pillars. 4th, the purpose of early Da-bo stupa was to provide space for Da-bo-yu-rae of Gyun-bo-tap-pum; hence, it did not have sangryoon(the top part). However, after it was influenced by general pagodas, sangryoon was established. Toward the Tang Dynasty, sangryoon has come to emphasize the forms of boryoon(nine wheels) or dome. However, this form is eventually simplified to only retain bo-joo(the orb).

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