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Sharing the Meanings and Contexts of Korean Provisional Democracy, Diplomacy and Asian Pacific Care approaches at the Grass Roots Level with Neo Generations (1919 to 2022): Reflection and Projection f

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : Chang Hoon Ko, Martin Kang, Horim Kim


The 22nd World Peace Island Forum:Remembering Jeju King Cherry Trees Biodiplomacy(1943) in Washington D.C.
The Meanings and Contexts of the firstKorean Congress Democracy in Philadelphia(1919): “First Korean Congress” (1919)Becomes Dynamic Dialogue between Koreanand American Parliamentary Democracy
2022 GAN Korea Jeju to Philadelphia WebinarConference: Diversity as a New Diversityfor Global Ageing Network in New Normal:Jeju Village Healing, PASSi Asian Culture,Japanese Indigenous Peace Culture, andBusan Smart Health Care approach

영어 초록

WAIS in South Korea and WEU Inc. in Philadelphia hosting the 22nd World Peace Island Forum: Remembering Jeju King Cherry Trees Bio-diplomacy (1943) in Washington D.C. and the first Korean Congress Democracy (1919) in Philadelphia which organized by the Korean Provisional Government from March 22 to 24, 2022. We want to propose cultural historic events which connect American and Korean society, such as the Trip to Faith and Liberty Hall that relate to the integration processes of Korean and American Democracy. Dean Max Friedman of American University calls the Jeju King cherry trees cultural event bio-diplomacy among world citizens. In addition, the Korean embassy evaluated the cherry tree event as a new kind of bio-diplomacy approach which paves the way for understanding different cultures in different countries. The aim of this paper is to share present contexts and meanings about both the first Korean Congress Democracy (1919) and Bio-diplomacy (1943). We had also the 2022 GAN Korea Jeju to Philadelphia Webinar Conference: Diversity as a New Diversity for Global Ageing Network in New Normal: Jeju Village Healing, PASSi Asian Culture, Japanese Indigenous Peace Culture, and Busan Smart Health Care approach.

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Sharing the Meanings and Contexts of Korean Provisional Democracy, Diplomacy and Asian Pacific Care approaches at the Grass Roots Level with Neo Generations (1919 to 2022): Reflection and Projection f
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