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Deriving activated carbon using microwave combustion technique and its energy storage applications: a topical review

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon letters / 32권 / 5호
저자명 : S. Sathish, R. Nirmala, Hak Yong Kim, R. Navamathavan


1 Introduction
2 Microwave combustion technique
2.1 Thermal runway
3 Technical aspects of microwave heating
4 Pyrolysis under microwave irradiation
5 Activation of carbon using microwave technique
6 Microwave material interaction
7 Applications of activated carbon through microwave preparation
8 Applications of activated carbon prepared from microwave radiation
9 Microwave irradiation for ac preparation benefits and limita tions
10 Cost production of enacted carbon using microwave and other conventional methods
11 Classification of energy storage systems
11.1 Electrochemical and battery energy storage
11.2 Thermal energy storage (TES)
11.3 Thermochemical energy storage
11.4 Flywheel energy storage
11.5 Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
11.6 Pumped energy storage system (PHES)
11.7 Magnetic energy storage (SMES)
11.8 Chemical and hydrogen energy storage
12 Comparison of energy storage
12.1 Technical performance
12.2 Economics
13 Future perspectives
14 Conclusions

영어 초록

In preparation of porous carbon materials microwave oven brightening is one of the warming modes used ever. The various procedures that take place in microwave combustion process include carbonization, incitation, and recovery and thus carbon is defined. This paper compares ideal conditions of traditional warming methods, as well as their implementation potential, losses, and specifications. This porous carbon with heat treatment possesses various properties and they are well suited for energy applications which require constrained space such as hydrogen storage in solid-state and supercapacitors. The enhanced properties are chemical and thermal stability, ready availability, low framework density and ease of processability. The recent trend in class of porous carbons is Activated Carbons that are employed traditionally as adsorbents or catalyst supporters but currently, they found potent applications in fabricating for hydrogen storage materials and supercapacitors. These activated carbons are much enhanced form in class of porous carbon materials and they possess the capability to enable hydrogen economy, where the energy carrier is hydrogen. Therefore, the utility of activated carbons as a source for energy storage experiences a rapid growth at current trend and they possess significant advances. This investigation is based on detailed cost development data and electrical imperativeness applications.

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Deriving activated carbon using microwave combustion technique and its energy storage applications: a topical review
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