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유도계획과 QM 도구들을 활용한 신제품 개발과정의 혁신 전략

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국산업경영시스템학회 수록지정보 : 산업경영시스템학회지 / 40권 / 4호
저자명 : 유지현, 정태욱, 송인철, 오현승, 이세재, 조진형


1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 신제품 개발
2.2 고객의 소리(Voice of Customer)
2.3 제품-서비스통합시스템(Product-Service System)
2.4 유도계획(Indicative Planning)
3. 연구 모형
3.1 고객요구 선정 방법론으로서의 QFD, AHP
3.2 의사결정방법론으로서의 DR, Design-in, Lean 6sigma
3.3 신제품 개발 기술혁신 프로세스 연구모형
4. 사례 연구
4.1 A사 : QFD기법을 이용한 탄산수정수기 품질요인도출 사례[23]
4.2 B사 : AHP를 이용한 QIS시스템의 공정 CTQCTP분석 사례[9]
5. 결론 및 제언

영어 초록

The new businesses started by the companies usually results in being unsuccessful. The main reasons for that are either aiming targeting wrong customers, unsatisfaction of customers’ requesting quality standards, or taking wrong actions against the competitors in the market. Therefore, companies should aim the targets for the newly developing products based on the fulfilling values for the customers when they start the new businesses, and should take good cares for risk managements at the each step of the new business to prevent the failure in advance. In addition to that, the companies starting new businesses not only need to take the customers attributes (CA) into account, but they also should apply the new technologies as one system to initiate a new business to satisfy the basic wants of the customers. This article suggests the New Product Development Pursuing Model using the Indicative Planning methodology and the Quality Management tools. The New Product Development Pursuing Model would be completed by the following steps as below; 1. Drawing the CTQ (Critical To Quality) for setting up the new product development objectives by : i) using the VOC (Voice Of Customers) obtained by the QFD (Quality Function Deploypment) if the market is mature, ii) applying AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to information in the QIS (Quality Information System) if the market is unmature to get enough need information of the customers. 2. Risk Management in NPD : The NPD pursuing model consisted of the IP (indicative planning) is suggested not by the process of top-down-way mandatory planning process, but by the tools used in the administrative science and economic fields, namely by governance. The companies could apply innovative methodology for new products development processes to fulfil the customers satisfaction in the fields, through the CA (Contingency Approach) of the NPD (New Product Development) process.

참고 자료



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