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효율적인 어업실습선의 선교 layout을 위한 당직항해사의 업무특성 분석

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최종 저작일
9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) 수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 52권 / 1호
저자명 : 김민선, 황보규

영어 초록

This study analyzed characteristics of officers watch-keeping during fishing operation at the fisheries training ship KAYA(GT: 1,737 tons, Pukyong National University). It observed fishing works of three officers in wheel house of KAYA. The observations were carried out at the fishing ground 45 miles away from east of Jeju from 7 to 8 January 2010. The works and movements of the officers were recorded with three common video cameras and a 4-channel MPEG-4 Triplex DVR. Recorded data of the working circulation was analyzed by using the post-processing method. As a result of the traffic lines, the average (S.D) of working hour (min) and moving frequency (times), distance (m) and speed (m/min) during setting the net was 11.8 (0.9), 43.7 (8.1), 133.9 (35.8) and 10.5 (0.6), respectively. During trawling the net, it was 100, 241 (39.8), 615.7 (194.6) and 5.2 (1.6), respectively. During hauling the net, it was 17.6 (1.4), 41.0 (7.2), 196.9 (37.6) and 10.7 (0.8), respectively. In addition, it has a different tendency of the instrument usage frequency by the fishing works. During setting, the usage priority was CCTV, ECDIS, RPM and pitch controller, net monitor, GPS plotter, chart room, X-band radar, fish finder and public addressor. During trawling, it was CCTV, ECDIS, fish finder, X-band radar, net monitor, chart room, GPS plotter, RPM and pitch controller, auto pilot and steering, interphone, wind speed and direction indicator, No.1. VHF, navigation light control panel and public addressor. During hauling, it was CCTV, RPM and pitch controller, GPS plotter, public addressor, chart room, net monitor, X-band radar, auto pilot and steering and fish finder.

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효율적인 어업실습선의 선교 layout을 위한 당직항해사의 업무특성 분석
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