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Efficiency of Hanwoo Embryo Production by Ovum Pick Up

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최종 저작일
23페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : 한국수정란이식학회 학술대회논문집
저자명 : Min Kyu Kim

영어 초록

The OPU technology has been largely used in order to enhance genetic improvement in domestic animals. This study demonstrated that OPU in Hanwoo can be used for the effective technique to improve the reproductive efficiency. This experiment showed the longest times of OPU ever carried out in Hanwoo. In this study four donors were selected from Hanwoo by using DNA extraction and SNP maker. Individual donors have genes which are CAPN1, CAST and FASN and that contain dominant position. CAPN1, CAST genes are often thought to be related with tenderness and FASN gene is thought to be associated with oleic acid which is identified a monounsaturated fatty acid found naturally in many plant and animal products. In experiment 1, OPU technique was used to evaluate the influence of the number of oocytes recovery rate per session. Totally 50 times OPU sessions were performed and oocytes recovery at every 10 times session was evaluated. In case of H4, the OPU session could be done around 30 times after her calving. Compared to the average number of oocytes recovery, H1 was more efficient than H3. Considering this results, the current study showed that animals have considerable individual variation in numbers of oocytes. In this study, the average recovery rate in Hanwoo is similar to the recovery rate of the Bos Taurus. Individual donors have no significant difference among group for recovery rate during 30 sessions. However, Thoese showed significant decrease in the number of oocytes recovery rate after 40 session of OPU treatment. Therefore we conclude that the Hanwoo donor is considered to be suitable for 30 times of OPU treatment. In experiment 2, OPU technique was used to evaluate the influence of the number of recovery rate monthly. The average number of oocytes recovery rate showed no significantly difference for five months. However, the number of oocytes recovery rate decreased significantly during three months after first five months experiments. In experiment 3, whether donors are parity or non-parity, the average number of oocytes recovery rate was checked. However, we could not find any significant result from this experiment. In experiment 4, the developmental rate of in vitro produced embryos from OPU was compared with that from slaughterhouse. From this, cleavage rate of oocytes from OPU is significantly less than that from slaughterhouse. In conclusion, this study included a thorough analysis of oocytes and embryo production by OPU from Hanwoo. OPU can be successfully performed under a continuous regime for 8 month in Hanwoo. The current study shows the clear proof that OPU could be adopted to produce oocytes and embryos of better quality as an advanced technique replacing the usage of MOET in Korea. Finally, elucidation the basis for numerous oocytes obtained from Hanwoo may contribute to a better understanding of reproductive physiology in cattle.

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Efficiency of Hanwoo Embryo Production by Ovum Pick Up
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