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광자극에 대한 역돔의 심전도

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9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) 수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 38권 / 3호
저자명 : 김영기, 양용림

한국어 초록

광자극에 대한 역돔, Oreochromis niloticus[Linnaeus]의 심전도를 구명하기 위하여 16~18℃ 수온에서 어체내에 전극을 삽입하여 3가지 광자극 (10, 100, 400 luχ)에 대한 심전도를 서간과 야간으로 구분하여 60분간 연속적으로 조사한 심전도를 상태별로 분석한 심박수와 생체전위는 다음과 같다. 1. 역돔은 마취 후 3분 뒤에 안정상태에 도달하였고, 안정상태에서 평균심박수는 서간에 47.6 beat/min, 야간에 45.1 beat/min였고, 평균생체 전위는 서간에 1.04 μ V, 야간에 1.24 μ V로 나타났다. 2 자극별 평균심박수는 ① 자극상태에서, 10 luχ인 경우 서간에 39.7 beat/min, 야간에 38.2 beat/min였고, 100 luχ인 경우 서간에 38.7 beat/min, 야간에 36.9 beat/min였으며, 400 luχ인 경우 서간에 36.8 beat/min, 야간에 35.8 beat/min로 나타났고, ② 회복상태에서, 10 luχ인 경우 서간에 47.1 beat/min, 야간에 46.0 beat/min였고, 100 luχ인 경우 서간에 47.2 beat/min, 야간에 45.6 beat/min였으며, 400 luχ인 경우 서간에 48.1 beat/min, 야간에 46.6 beat/min로 나타났다. 3. 자극별 평균생체전위는 ① 자극상태에서, 10 luχ인 경우 서간에 1.22 μ V, 야간에 0.71μ V였고, 100 luχ인 경우 서간에 0.63 μ V, 야간에 0.90 μ V였으며, 400 luχ 인 경우 서간에 1.39 μ V, 야간에 1.63 μ V로 나타났고, ② 회복상태에서, 10 luχ인 경우 서간에 1.26 μ V, 야간에 1.59 μ V였고, 100 luχ인 경우 서간에 2.63 μ V 야간에 3.65 μ V였으며, 400 luχ인 경우 서간에 2.52 μ V, 야간에 3.67 μ V로 나타났다.

영어 초록

The authors examined the response of electrocardiogram(ECG) of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus [Linnaeus] to light stimuli. The experiments were performed in such a way that three levels of light stimuli(10, 100 and 400 luχ) were given to fishes with an electrode inserted into their bodies and then their ECGs were recorded continuously for 60 minutes in 16~18℃. The results which are divided into by day and by night and then analyzed by fishes' conditions are as follows; 1. Nile tilapias reached a stable condition 3 minutes after anesthesia. In stable condition, the heart rate average was 47.6beat/min by day and 45.1beat/min by night. And the action potential average was 1.0.4mutextrmV by day and 1.24mutextrmV by night. 2. The heart rate average by three levels of light stimuli was, ① In stimulus condition, in case of 10 luχ 39.7beat/min by day and 38.2beat/min by night, in case of 100 lu χ8.7beat/min by day and 36.9beat/min by night, and in case of 40.0. lux 36.8 beat/min by day and 35.8beat/min by night. ② In recovery condition, in case of 10 luχ 47.1beat/min by day and 46.0beat/min by night, in case of 100 luχ 47.2beat/min by day and 45.6 beat/min by night, and in case of 400 luχ 48.1beat/min by day and 46.6beat/min by night. 3. The action potential average by three levels of light stimuli was, ① In stimulus condition, in case of 10 luχ 1.22mutextrmV by day and 0.71mutextrmV by night, in case of 100 luχ 0..63mutextrmV by day and 0.90mutextrmV by night, and in case of 400 luχ 1.39mutextrmV by day and 1.63mutextrmV by night ② In recovery condition, in case of 10 luχ 1.26mutextrmV by day and 1.59mutextrmV by night, in case of 100 luχ 2.63mutextrmV by day and 3.65mutextrmV by night, and in case of 400. luχ 2.52mutextrmV by day and 3.67mutextrmV by night.

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