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실습선에 의한 LED 집어등의 오징어 어획성능

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최종 저작일
8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) 수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 48권 / 3호
저자명 : 안영일, 정학근

영어 초록

This study surveyed the fishing efficiency for Japanese common squid based on improvements made to LED fishing lamps by utilizing the training ship of Gangwon Provincial College. The training ship, Haesong-ho (24 tons), was equipped with seventy-two 150W electric power LED fishing lamps (10.8kW), and their fishing efficiency and fuel consumption level were surveyed for a total of ten times during the period between June 15, 2009 and July 27, 2009. In addition, the training ship was equipped with seventy-one 300W electric power LED fishing lamps (21.3kW) and their fishing efficiency and fuel consumption level were surveyed for a total of five times during the period between January 17, 2010 and August 4, 2010. In order to compare the fishing efficiency of LED fishing lamps, the catch of another fishing vessel equipped with Metal Halide (MH) fishing lamps of 120kW for the same period and at the same fishing grounds. The fuel consumption levels during the fishing operation of Haesong-ho was about 1,047.7 liters which was approximately 19.9% of the total fuel consumption level of 5,262.6 liters, and the fuel consumption level per operation hour was on average 9.2 liters. The number of Japanese common squid caught by the LED fishing lamp-equipped fishing vessel ranged from 12 to 1,640 squid for each fishing trial and the average quantity was 652. The number of Japanese common squid caught by the MH fishing lamp-equipped 10 fishing vessels ranged from 40 to 4,800 squid and the average quantity was 2,055. The fishing of Japanese common squid was done by the use of hand lines and an automatic jigging machine. The number of Japanese common squid caught per hand line and a single roller of the automatic jigging machine was in the proportion of 50.8% to 49.2% with respect to the LED fishing lamp-equipped fishing vessel. However, the number of Japanese common squid caught per hand line and a single roller of the automatic jigging machine was in the proportion of 86.4% to 13.6% with respect to the MH fishing lamp-equipped fishing vessel where most of the catch was made by hand lines. On the other hand, in comparing the number of Japanese common squid caught per automatic jigging machine, the number of squid caught by the LED fishing lamp-equipped fishing vessel was about the same or greater than the number of squid caught by the MH fishing lamp-equipped fishing vessel.

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실습선에 의한 LED 집어등의 오징어 어획성능
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