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휠체어 이용자들을 위한 지도 시스템 개선 방안

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. 서 론
2.휠체어 장애인용 지도 APP 개발 방향
3. 시각장애인용 지도 추가시 고려사항
4. 결 론


Abstract : Is there a large number of social infrastructures around us spreading to all people without discrimination? I thought. As expected, technology was not fair to everyone, and there was a lot of discrimination, especially for people with disabilities. While we were feeling that, we were worried about what apps, things, and systems we would most commonly use. At that time, what I thought was the traffic system, map app.
No matter how good maps are invented and AI develops, maps for people with disabilities do not even have the most basic functions, and I realized that I need to use a disabled taxi to go to places I do not know. There are many people with disabilities around us. These people are in a position where they can not feel the change of technology personally. I think that the most uncomfortable thing is that I can not go to where I want to go. In this paper, we will discuss what issues should be considered in the app system when building related apps.

참고 자료

A Study on the Construction of Guidance Map for Individuals with Disabilities, Oh Chung-won et al., 3, National Geographic Society, 2012
An Exploratory Study on Mobility and Spatial Cognition of Visually Impaired Persons: Focusing on Grounded Theory and Image Mapping Kim Min-jung, 2012, Sangmyung University
A Study on the Supporting Method for the Disability Movement - Focused on Transportation, Oh Hye Kyung Professor, Department of Social Work, Seongsim Women's University
A Study on the Map Making Method for Wheelchair Users, Yong Won, 2003, Kyung Hee University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wheelchair use on the elderly, Kyung wook lee, 2003, gyemyung university
Angle measured map , Kakao maps
Map configuration , Naver maps
Satellite, topographic map, Google maps
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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