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면우 곽종석의 논어학과 그 경학사적 위상* 1)

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24페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 28권
저자명 : 李昤昊


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 곽종석 논어학의 특징
1. 주자학파의 주석에 대한 정밀한 검토
2. 경문에 대한 독자적 이해
3. 심즉리의 경학적 투영
Ⅲ. 곽종석 논어학의 경학사적 위상-결론을

한국어 초록

곽종석(1846-1919)은 조선이 멸망할 즈음에 살았던 문장가이자 사상가이며 또한 애국지사였다. 곽종석은 사서오경에 대한 경학적 견해를 다양하게 남겨놓 았는데, 특히 그의 논어학은 주목할 만하다. 곽종석 논어학의 특징은 세 가지로 정리할 수 있다. 첫째는 주자학파의 주석 에 대한 정밀한 검토이며, 둘째는 경문의 독자적 해석, 셋째는 ‘心卽理’사상에 의거한

영어 초록

Kwak, Jong-Seok (1846-1919) was a patriot, philosopher and writer who lived during the time when the Joseon dynasty was about to perish. He wrote diverse interpretations of Saseookyung (The Four Books and Five Classics) from the perspective of the Kyunghak. His Noneohak deserves special attention. There are three characteristics of his Noneohak. First, his Noneohak has a detailed examination of the annotation of the Chu Hsi School. Second, there are independent interpretations of scriptures in his Noneohak. Third, his Noneohak interprets Noneo based on the philosophy of 心卽理 (‘Xin ji Li’ or ‘Shim Zeuk Li’). These three characteristics are not only his Noneohak’s characteristics but also provide his Noneohak certain status in the history of Noneohak of the Joseon Dynasty. The first characteristic, the detailed examination of the annotation of the Chu Hsi School, is considered as the universal characteristic of the Noneohak in the Joseon Dynasty. The second and third characteristics, an independent interpretation of scriptures and interpretation of Noneo based on the philosophy of 心卽理, can be discussed in the Kyunghak tradition of the Toegye School. While Toegye was the loyal follower of Chu Hsi’s Kyunghak, he also offered independent interpretations of scriptures. Meanwhile, Lee, Jin-Sang (Kwak, Jong-Seok’s teacher) supported the philosophy of 心 卽理 and his interpretation of Noneo was based on this philosophy. Thus, two characteristics of Kwak, Jong-Seok’s Noneohak resulted from influences of interpretations of Noneo of Toegye and Lee, Jin-Sang. In conclusion, Kwak, Jong-Seok’s Noneohak can be understood as following the Chu Hsi School of the Joseon Dynasty. More specifically, it follows the Noneohak of the Toegye School.

참고 자료



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