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이화여자대학교박물관 소장 <명성황후발인반차도> 연구

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최종 저작일
25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 35권
저자명 : 박계리

영어 초록

A comparative analysis between the “Myeongseonghwanghu Balinbanchado,” or “Illustration of the Funeral Procession of Empress Myeongseong” (property of Ewha Womans University Museum), and the “Myeongseonghwahu Gukjangdogameuigwe” or, “Manual of Superintendency for the State Funeral of Empress Myeongseong” reveals that before the “Myeongseonghwanghu Eoram Balinbanchado” (“Illustration of the Royal Inspection Funeral Procession of Empress Myeongseong”) was made, the manual of “Myeongseonghwanghu Balinbanchado” was created so that every chabigwan (temporary official appointed to perform special events) could check and revise every arrangement. The “Illustration of the Funeral Procession of Empress Myeongseong” is an embodiment of such detailed records. Although the exact date of the illustration is uncertain, it is estimated to have been created between the months of March and October in the year 1897, and authored by Yi Duhyeok and Seo Inpyo, and illustrated by Pak Changsu, Kim Kirak, painter Sin Yeongpil, Jeong Daebok, Hong Bongsun, and Choi Seonggu.
The biers shown in the “Illustration of the Funeral Procession of Empress Myeongseong” reflect the traditions of the Joseon Dynasty, being impressed and painted. These ballasts were modeled after the “Gukjosangryebopyeon (Supplemented Edition for the National Funeral Manual).” The illustration of the Korean flag and the military troops guarding the king show the conditions at that time, and the royal craftworks used were symbols of respect for the empress, a tradition derived from the Qing, not the Ming, dynasty.
The state funeral for Empress Myeongseong highlighted the declaration of the Korean Empire and reigning status of Gojong as emperor. The funeral was also a way to show that Korea had become an empire and independent country separate from the Sinocentric world. The fierce battle of sovereign power between Korea and Japan continued, and as the interest of the two powers was sharply projected, Gojong launched a modernization project based on a perspective which did not oppose sovereign power and the establishment of Korea as a modern nation. The modernization project first took place not in Gyeongbokgung Palace, but in Gyeongungung Palace, and through Empress Myeongseong’s funeral procession, the launch of the modernization project was declared at home and overseas. The preparation process and concerns shown in detail in the “Illustration of the Funeral Procession of Empress Myeongseong” highlight the significance of this work in history.

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