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HPPD 저해 제초제들에 대한 통일형벼 품종의 약해 반응

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6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국국제농업개발학회 수록지정보 : 한국국제농업개발학회지 / 26권 / 3호
저자명 : 김상열, 한상익, 이지윤, 조준현, 오성환, 박노봉, 손영보, 송유천, 남민희


재료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
제초제 처리약량에 따른 벼 약해
벼 생육 및 수량영향
적 요

한국어 초록

식물체 내에서 HPPD(4-hydroxy phenylpyruvate dioxyge-nase)를 저해하여 카로티노이드 생합성을 억제하는 제초제benzobicyclon 및mesotrione+pretilachlor의 처리 약량에 따른통일형 벼의 약해 발생 정도와 약해발생에 따른 수량영향을조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Benzobicyclon과 mesotrione+pretilachlor(MP) 처리 후6~12일에 통일형 벼인 한아름벼, 한아름2호, 다산벼는 모두잎의 백화약해 증상이 나타났고, 기준량 처리시 약해는 각각34~64%, 63~75%이었으며, 배량 처리에서는 약해발생이 더심해 각각 76~83%, 83~89% 이었다. 또한 벼식물체는 기준량 처리시 고사되지 않았으나 배량 처리시 식물체 고사율은benzobicyclon은 6.5~11.5%로 MP 2.1~3.3% 보다 고사율이 높았다.2. 출수기는 benzobicyclon 및 mesotrione+pretilachlor처리에 따른 약해로 대조인 butachlor 처리보다 1~2일 지연되었다.3. Benzobicyclon과 mesotrione+pretilachlor 처리시 통일형 벼 생육은 butachlor 처리에 비해 한아름벼, 한아름2호 및 다산벼 모두 기준량 처리시 m2 당 수수가 14~67개가 적고 등숙비율이 2.7~8.6% 낮아져으며 현미천립중이 0.0~1.2g 가벼웠다.4. Benzobicyclon과 mesotrione+pretilachlor 처리시 쌀 수량은 대조인 butachlor처리의 644~725kg/10a에 비해 한아름벼는 5~9%, 한아름2호와 다산벼는 5~8% 감소되었고, 2배량 처리시 수량감소는 더욱 증가하여 한아름벼는 16~28%,한아름2호는 20~24%, 다산벼는 14~23% 감소하였다.

영어 초록

This study was conducted to investigate the levels of phytotoxicity of Japonica×Indica-typerice varieties to HPPD(4-hydroxy phenylpyruvate dioxygenase)-inhibiting herbicides known for theirefficiency to control the sulfonylurea-resistant weeds. The plant injury and rice yield of threeIndica×Japonica rice (long grain, cv. Hanareumbyeo, Hanareum2, Dasanbyeo) were evaluated byapplication rate of HPPD-inhibiting herbicdes, benzobicyclon and mesotrione+pretilachlor (MP), andbutachlor as control in transplanting rice in 2012 -2013 in Miryang. The herbicide rates of 350g, 140ga.i. ha-1 for recommended rate(1x) and 750g, 280g a.i. ha-1 for 2x with benzobicyclon andmesotri-one+pretilachlor (MP), respectively, were applied as pre-emergence treatments while only the 1x concen-tration of 1,500g a.i. ha−1 was used for butachlor. All three Indica×Japonica rice cultivars wereextremely sensitive to both benzobicyclon and MP herbicides even at the 1x rate as reflected by highvisual injury of leaf chlorosis and the injury was more severe at 2x rate than 1x concentration. The per-centage of foliar chlorosis of Indica×Japonica rices at the 1x rate was only 34~64% for benzobicyclonat 14 days after treatment(DAT) and 63~75% for MP at 7 DAT but the injury was more severe at the 2xrate with 76~83% for benzobicyclon and 83~89%. However, the leaf chlorosis injury of the three ricevarieties recovered at 1x rate of benzobicyclon and MP about 30 DAT but rice plant death of 6.5~11.5%for benzobicyclon and 2.1~3.3% for the MP was observed at the 2x rate, respectively. The heading dateof the injured rice plant was delayed by 1 to 2 days and panicle number per square meter, ripened grainratio and 1000-brown rice weight were decreased due to the injury of rice plant by the herbicide treat-ments as compared with the control treatment of butachlor. Yield of the Indica×Japonica rice varietiestreated with benzobicyclon and MP was significantly reduced by 5~9% even at 1x rate and 14~28% at2x rate, respectively. The result indicates that MP and benzobicyclon should not be used for weed controlin Indica×Japonica varieties and rice plant should be transplanted again to some extent at 2x rate of thebenzobicyclon and MP herbicides.

참고 자료



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