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요한계시록에 나타난 선교학적 주제들의 고찰

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40페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 33권
저자명 : 홍기영

영어 초록

Revelation was written by the apostle John during the reign of Roman emperor Domitianus(AD 81-96). This book is an epistle to seven churches in Minor Asia. The book of Revelation was written to encourage Christians to have victory over Satan and the evil powers during times of persecution. The Roman Empire required Christians to worship the emperors. Christians were persecuted because they refused to worship the emperor as lord. Revelation is relevant to missions in that Jesus Christ died for all humankind whether Jews or Gentile. All tribe, tongue, people, and nation will gather together to praise the Lord, the Lamb of God. Jesus’ death provided atonement for sinners regardless of race, tongue, people, and nation. Jesus’ death and resurrection provided the way for all people groups to enter the kingdom of God. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will enter the new earth and the heaven. Revelation highlights martyrdom in the midst of persecution and suffering under the rule of Roman Empire. Christians endured persecution by keeping faith in Jesus Christ and expecting His second coming with the holy angels to judge the evil and destroy Satan’s reign. As Tertullian said, “martyr’s blood is the seed of church,” Revelation encouraged Christians to maintain their eschatological faith and spread the gospel in the midst of persecution by the Roman Empire. Revelation maintains that the slaughtered Lamb of God is worthy to open the scroll and break it’s seals. Jesus Christ is praised and worshipped by angels, living creatures, and elders. Jesus is glorified because He was slain to save the sinners. He is worthy to receive power, wealth, wisdom, honor, glory, and might because His blood provided a ransom for humankind providing propitiation to God. Jesus will be worshipped by all the saints from every tribe, language, people, and nation. Revelation shows that God’s cosmic sovereignty has been challenged by Satan and his demons since Adam and Eve fell. Likewise, the church has been challenged by Satan when carrying out its mission mandate. Satan deceives the body of Christ causing the church to doubt God’s power and justice as well as God’s grace. The church must struggle with Satan in the world; however, God has the final victory over Satan. Revelation reveals that the history of salvation began with Eden but will end with the new earth and the heaven. God’s promise in protevangelium will be fulfilled in the city of New Jerusalem. The seven churches in Asia Minor had a strong hope that they would overcome Satan’s power although they struggled with Satan in the midst of persecution and affliction. The church today needs to endure necessary hardships in the course of carrying out God’s mission. God is always with Christ’s church. The Holy Spirit is working to accomplish God’s will for the church.a

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