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초교회운동과 교회갱신학 종자

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15페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 17권
저자명 : 권오훈

영어 초록

The church & beyond movement could be a good term for church renewal. The church & beyond movement revitalizates the kingdom of God by overcoming the boundaries of each church. The local-church-centrality (decentralization of denominational power by a self-governing-local-church) has been an engine for the revitalization of the kingdom of God for over a generation now in the Korean church. When, however, it is changed into the egocentricity of the church (extreme selfishness of each local church), it has been a stumbling block to revitalization of the kingdom of God. The author suggests the church & beyond movement as an antidote of the egocentricity of the church. Chonja (seeds) is a North Korean term for a poetical imagination or a musical motif. As an effort of developing missiology in a unified Korean context, the author uses ‘seeds’ of church renewal studies instead of ‘inspirations’ of church renewal studies as a part of the title. In chapter 2, the author deals with seeds of church renewal studies using economic terms. The author points out the danger of M&A of the church by using economic terms such as reverse-synergy, multiprocessing, and the monopoly of trade. In chapter 3, the author handles seeds of church renewal studies harvested in a soccer field. Field-vision and teamwork is essential for church renewal as well as for soccer. The author introduces Howard A. Snyder’s 8 marks of a mediating model of renewal, which is a combination of elements of both the institutional and the charismatic model of renewal: 1) The renewal movement exists as an ecclesiola. 2) The renewing movement uses some form of small group structure. 3) The renewal movement has some structural link with the institutional church. 4) The renewal structure is committed to the unity, vitality, and wholeness of the larger church. 5) The renewal structure is mission-oriented. 6) The renewal movement is especially conscious of being a distinct, covenant-based community. 7) The renewal movement provides the context for the rise, training, and exercise of new forms of ministry and leadership. 8) The renewal structure maintains an emphasis on the Spirit and the Word as the basis of authority. The author uses theological methodology of storytelling. The author concludes this article with a high hope that the church & beyond movement would work as disinfected seeds for the Korean church which is diseased with an egocentricity of the church.

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