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서구교회의 디아코니아 역사와 과제

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최종 저작일
31페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 7,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 19권
저자명 : 김은수

영어 초록

Diakonia means serving neighbors through sharing and healing in their place what we can do. Spiritual worship in church is accompanied by serving neighbors as reasonable, sensible and logical service because liturgy is integrated with man and work as Ancient Greeks. In other words, it means public work. Because worship is common public work and service for the world, true worship must be accompanied by true service. For its service, dual ministry types, or the Service of the Word and the Service of response to the Word must be carried out rightly. To the effect of this, We can say that the history of the church has been a series of an effort for its mission. In this paper, we present missionary works, after historical examination, centering around important persons, system and accidents, making the representative services a main subject in order to easily understand the overall direction of Diakonia on the western churches. The First Church evaluated relief works highly, activated Diakonia, but has a risk of distorting the Gospel, relating to salvation indirectly in its ideological background, by teaching retributive justice. Also, The First Church failed to reach the social structural service. therefore, one of the evil practices, slavery has been recognized as it was. Since the Reformation, Martin Luther criticized an Indulgence and a mistake of charity. Because he didn't regard relief facilities as a direct work of the church, but its management and responsibilities as the government, he was more interested in establishing the theology than practicing the charitable work and Diakonia. On the other hand, John Calvin looked upon relief facilities which are independent of the government ideal. Because neighborly love was originated from faith, Christians accepted neighbors as an object of serving. Diakonia must begin from self-denial and sacrifice. To save the people in the lurch, He institutionalized a deacon. The campaign of settlement house in the nineteen century established settlement house for the poor with two purposes to become a friend of settlers. The campaign of settlement house in England has been religiously influenced. On the disaster of Westminster Cathedral, Vicar Barnett rent a slum in London and made a volunteer living with some students. The first settlement house in America stemmed from Neighborhood Guild of New York City founded by Stanton Coit in 1887. Christians welfare service organization, “Inner Mission” was founded by Johann. H. Vichern. Since the middle part of nineteen century, they found out a social cause of poverty, disease, and problems. To get rid of this cause, they maintained to improve the social structure. Before the industrialization, they thought the cause of the poverty and deficiency naturally and personally. Since the Industrial Revolution, due to the low wages, exploitation, and industrial disasters, many labors became a low class in quantity. They set up a recognition not to solve the poverty, disease, deficiency and troubles with an individual relief. This recognition influenced the church and was embodied in twelve century. Social Gospel campaign, Religious Socialism campaign or Responsible Society from Ecumenical Society have advanced in the direction of Diakonia into the reform of social structure.

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