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중국인 유학생의 선교적 사회지지와 문화적응 스트레스 해소에 관한 연구

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최종 저작일
32페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 28권
저자명 : 김성엽

영어 초록

The numerous Korean church today embraces the technical goal of the invention building the paradigm of the new mission about the Chinese student studying abroads flowed in into the righteousness, to pay attention to the interior of a country China student studying abroads to the oversea missionary work resource voluntarily, the interior of a country. While the mission environment of Korean Chinese student studying abroads is unable to be good, the result which can be obtained through the missionary activity of the missionaries in China field church is very low. If for the missionary judgment of the Korean churches, the focus is adjusted to the Chinese student studying abroads, the long-term mission strategy which creates the social support system and so that the it has been growing in the mutually different cultural area Chinese student studying abroads can adapt well the Chinese student studying abroads to the Korean culture and college life and can minimize the culture shock because of the gospel will be established. The stress removal factor in which the student studying abroads can take the emotional psychological relaxation is grasped and the Christian culture and the faith settlement, that is the gospel, should be made. the various pattern of adjustments show as to Chinese student studying abroads’ right-foot shoot. However, that it is attached when it has to pay attention. Whether it is familiar with the various factorses including the member of the cultural area, living this success popular culture, language, and etc. or not. However, while the existing values according to the socialist identity which they have in the process of doing Korean college life and world view underwent a lot of difficulties in strange Korean cultural adaptation, the stress was experienced. In this condition, when the church community sets the mission direction and strategy, the many-sided effort for the stress relaxation according to the cultural adaptation of the Chinese student studying abroads is required. the strategic access about how approaching from the position in which the Social Support for canceling the stress required for the cultural adaptation for Korean Chinese college life is needed is required. It has the values, of the church the world view and existing paradigm so far, it is not easy to propagate the Chinese student studying abroads. The strategic access to the new paradigm which can be managed with the form of ‘the come mission’ in ‘it visits mission’ paradigm which the church and missionary group had been providing is desperately required. Therefore the mission resource in which many churches can distinguish the various obstacle according toes the Chinese student studying abroad mission and which can overcome this has to be communally created.

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