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A Case Study of Improving Instruction by Utilizing Online Instruction Diagnosis Item Pool

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최종 저작일
19페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육공학회 수록지정보 : Educational Technology International / 6권 / 2호
저자명 : Mi-Ja SHIM


Theoretical Background
Study Method and Procedure

한국어 초록

One of the main factors that determine the quality of instruction is the teaching ability of the instructoradministering the class. To evaluate teaching ability, methods such as peer review, student feedback, andteaching portfolio can be used. Among these, because feedback from the students is directly associatedwith how well the students feel they have learned, it is essential to improving instruction and teachingability. The principal aim of instruction evaluation lies in the evaluation of instructor's qualification andthe improvement of instruction quality by enhancing professionalism. However, the mandatory instructionevaluations currently being carried out at the term's end in universities today have limitations inimproving instruction in terms of its evaluation items and times. To improve the quality of instruction andraise teaching abilities, instruction evaluations should not stop at simply being carried out but also beutilized as useful data for students and teachers. In other words, they need to be used to develop teachingand improve instruction for teachers, and consequently, should also exert a positive influence on students’scholastic achievements and learning ability. The most important thing in evaluation is the acquisition ofaccurate information and how to utilize it to improve instruction. The online instruction diagnosis itempool is a more realistic feedback device developed to improve instruction quality. The instructiondiagnosis item pool is a cafeteria-like collection of hundreds of feedback questions provided to enableinstructors to diagnose their instruction through self-diagnosis or students’ feedback, and the instructorscan directly select the questions that are appropriate to the special characteristics of their instructionvoluntarily make use of them whenever they are needed. The current study, in order to find out if theonline instruction diagnosis item pool is truly useful in reforming and improving instruction, conductedpre and post tests using 256 undergraduate students from Y university as subjects, and studied the effectsof student feedback on instructions. Results showed that the implementation of instruction diagnosisimproved students' responsibility regarding their classes, and students had positive opinions regarding theusefulness of online instruction diagnosis item pool in instruction evaluation. Also, after instructiondiagnosis, analyzing the results through consultations with education development specialists, and thenestablishing and carrying out instruction reforms were shown to be more effective. In order to utilize theinstruction diagnostic system more effectively, from planning the execution of instruction diagnosis toanalyzing the results, consulting, and deciding how those results could be utilized to instruction, asystematic strategy is needed. In addition, professors and students need to develop a more active sense ofownership in order to elevate the level of their instruction.

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A Case Study of Improving Instruction by Utilizing Online Instruction Diagnosis Item Pool
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