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국가중요시설 경비원의 직무여건과 직무만족도의 관계

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국경호경비학회 수록지정보 : 한국경호경비학회지
저자명 : 손기호


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론, 제언
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅳ. 연구결과

한국어 초록

본 연구는 국가중요시설 경비원의 직무여건 실태와 직무만족도의 관계를 알아보는데
목적이 있다. 국가중요시설 경비원들의 실상을 직접적으로 파악 분석하고자 통상적인 측정
도구인 설문지를 활용하여 부산과 울산지역의 국가중요시설인 공항 및 항만지역과 일반사
업장에 근무 중인 경비원을 대상으로 하였다. 시설주 및 경비업체 담당자에게 충분한 설문
취지를 설명하고 문항을 사전 검토하였고 총400부를 배포하였으며 이중 논제의도와 부적합
한 설문지를 제외한 331부(82.8%)를 분석에 활용하였다. 수집된 자료의 통계처리는 데이
터코딩과 클리닝과정을 거쳐 SPSS version 15.0 통계패키지 프로그램을 활용하여 빈도분
석, 신뢰도분석, t-test, 일원변량분석, 상관관계분석, 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 국가중요
시설에 대한 경비원의 직무여건 실태와 직무만족도의 관계를 대인관계, 직무특성, 직무환
경, 보수 요인으로 구분하고 일반적인 특성에 따른 직무만족도의 차이를 검증하였다. 이상
의 연구방법을 통하여 얻은 결론을 보면 일반적인 경향은 저임금과 열악한 현장 환경은
지속되고 있었다. 일반적인 특성에서 남자가 여자보다 직무만족 수준이 높았고, 연령은
많고 학력은 낮을수록 높았으며, 경력과 소득이 많을수록, 시설보안요원보다 청원경찰이나
검색 및 안내요원이 높았고 입사 전 학생인 경우가 가장 낮게 회사원과 기타 직업군이
비교적 높은 직무만족도를 보였다. 상관관계 분석결과 직무만족이 높을수록 이직의사는
낮아지고 조직몰입도는 증가했다. 회귀분석결과 직무만족도가 이직의사와 조직몰입에 유
의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 직무특성과 직무환경 수준이 낮을수록 이직의사에
영향을 미쳤고, 직무특성에 대한 만족도와 대인관계, 보수, 직무환경 수준이 높을수록 조직
몰입에 영향을 미쳤다.
금번의 연구결과를 종합하면 국가중요시설 경비인력 현장에서의 직무여건 개선노력, 청
원경찰과 특수경비원간, 조직 내 상하 간의 대인관계 정립, 실질적인 보수 현실화를 포함한
정책적인 제도의 뒷받침이 절실하다.

영어 초록

The Pukyong National University public policy research institute researcher
and special expenses chief(ASTAIBS Co)
The object is that this research searches the relationship of the office given
condition actual condition of the country important facility private security
guard and job satisfaction degree. In order to grasp and analyze the real state
of the country important facility private security guards directly, the
questionnaire, that is the general measurement tool, was utilized and the guard
whom it works in the airport, the port region and general work place, that
is the national important facility of Busan and Ulsan area, was aimed at. The
enough survey object was illustrated to the facility and person in charge in
the security company and the item was previewed and the total 400 sheets
was distributed and 331 sheets (82.8%) except the doubleness subject intention
and incongruent questionnaire was utilized for the analysis. The statistic
processing of collected data utilized the SPSS version 15.0 the statistical
package program through data coding and cleaning process and performed the
frequency analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one way analysis of variance,
Pearson analysis, and regression analysis. The relationship of the office given
condition actual condition of the guard about the national important facility
and job satisfaction degree was classified into the interpersonal relationship,
task characteristic, office environment, and complement factor and the
difference of the job satisfaction degree according to the general characteristic was verified.
If the conclusion obtained through the method of study described in the
above looked at, for as to general tendency, the low wages and poor field
environment was continued. In the general characteristic, the man was higher
than the excitation about the job satisfaction level. As there was lots of the
age and the scholarship was low, the age was high. And as there was lots
of the career and income, the police of a petition or search and guide staff
was high and the job satisfaction degree in which relatively the employee and
the other job group is high so that the case of being the former student
incidence can be the poorest was shown rather than the facility security agent.
As the interrelation analysis result job satisfaction was high, the change of
occupation pseudo was low and the organizational commitment degrees was
increased. The regression analysis result job satisfaction degree was exposed
to reach the meaningful effect on the change of occupation pseudo and
organizational commitment. It had an effect on the change of occupation
pseudo as the task characteristic and office ambient level was low. It had an
effect on the organizational commitment as the extend of satisfaction about
the task characteristic and interpersonal relationship, complement, and office
ambient level were high.
If the research result of this time is integrated, the support of the political
system including the interpersonal relationship thesis between top and bottom
of the organized I and substantial complement actualization is urgently needed
between the office given condition improvement effort in the country important
facility defense manpower field and police of a petition and special guard.

참고 자료



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국가중요시설 경비원의 직무여건과 직무만족도의 관계
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