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日帝初期 實業敎育의 成立過程에 關한 硏究

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25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 29권 / 1호
저자명 : 홍덕창


Ⅰ. 緖論
Ⅱ. 實業敎育成立의 時代的 背景
Ⅲ. 韓日合邦 以前의 實業敎育
Ⅳ. 第1次 朝鮮敎育令 施行期의 實業敎育
Ⅴ. 結論

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to review the vocational education, placing emphasis on the procedures of it in the early period of the Japanese Colonial policy.
The first vocational school, commercial-Engineering School, was established by Dae-Han Imperial Dynasty in 1899. In accordance with “Kap-Oh Reformation" by the government, the traditional Confucian education was changed to Westernized one, and Han-Sung Normal School, Elementary School, Middle School, Foreign Language School, and Commercial-Engineering School were established. In 1904, the name of Commercial-Engineering School was changed to agricultural-Commercial-Engineering School adding one more program of agriculture.
After winning The Japan-China War, Japanese Government forced Dae-Han Imperial Dynasty to make up The First Japanese-Korean Treaty, dispatching Japanese advisers, began to intervene the politics of Dae-Han Imperial Dynasty. The First Japanese adviser of Educational Department was Idehare Dahara, who forced to edit school text-books based on the Japanese spirit and culture for the purpose of Japanizing the Korean people.
In 1907 Japanese vice-minister was placed on each department of the Korean government, and they Practically began to control the korean government. In 1906, The educational policy proclaimed by Dae-Han Dynasty was abolished, and The First School Ordinance was Promulgated. According to The First School Ordinance, Agricultural-Commercial-Engineering School was closed as a single school, and divided into three schools : one was Su Won Nong Lim Public School (school for agriculture and plant), the second Sun Lin Sang Up Private School(school for commerce), and the third Kyung Sung Kong Up Chon Seup So(Training center for engineering).
In 1909 Second School Ordinance and The Vocational School Ordinance were issued, based on which The number of vocational schools increased, and not only the tuition of vocational school students was free but also 5-6 won of stipend was given to them.
The basic structure of vocational education policy did not change and succeed to after promulgating the Korean Educational Ordinance by Japanese Colonial Government General. As aformentioned, it was true that Japanese Colonial Government-General emphasized and developed vocational education, however, their intention of developing vocational education was not for Korean people but for the development of Japanses Imperial Dynasty using the Korean man-power.
Reviewing the transtional procedures of Korean vocational education from 1895 to 1922, the following conclusions were developed :
1. Japanese intervening in Korean education started in 1906 after the first proclaiming of School Ordinance, while that of Vocational education did after Vocational School Ordinance.
2. Based on the Vocational School Ordinance in 1909, vocational schools were arranged, but the basic structure of vocational education succeeded to after the Japanese annexation of Korea.
3. The fact of emphasizing and developing vocational education by the Japanese Colonial Government-General was not for Korean people. The reasons of it were as follows :
1) Japanese Colonial Government-General emphasized and developed vocational education in Korea for acquring cheap man power using them for developing Japan to achieve the goal of invation of Asian Continent.
2) Especially Japanese Colonial Government-General focused of the education of agriculture among several vocational areas, supplying rice for the lack of it in Japan.
3) Commercial education was not much concerned because Japan did not need the people educated in commence. Thus, Commercial School was established as a private one at first.
4) Until the Japanese annexation of Korea, engineering education was not much developed because Japan did not need many engineering technicians.
However, because engineering technicians were needed more after the outbreake of Japan-China War, more students were traning in Kyung Sung Kong Eup Chun Seup So(training center for engineering). Japanese Colonial Government-General did not establish formal educational institution for engineering because Japan wanted only cheap enginering technicians As aformentioned, Japanese Colonial Government-general emphaized and developed vocational education only for the need of Japan not for the Korean people.

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日帝初期 實業敎育의 成立過程에 關한 硏究
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