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노인주거계획을 위한 노인가구의 고령기단계에 관한 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국주거학회 수록지정보 : 한국주거학회논문집 / 20권 / 5호
저자명 : 조성희, 전은정


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 노인가구의 특성
Ⅲ. 노인가구의 고령기단계 설정
Ⅳ. 결론

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to offer and analysis the stage of elderly in order to improve the quality of living environment of elderly in Korea. Taking into account the retirement age in Korea, those households with people over 60 years old were chosen for the investigation. For the study methods, an examination of documents centering on previous related studies and the analysis of references from the National Statistical Office, from which a general social situation can be clearly obtained, are used. The results are as follows; From viewpoint of the stage of elderly, parents and children of families mostly live together stage 1 and 2, mostly live separately at stage 3, the rate of living together increases stage 4 and 5. In over stage 4, there are some cases in which the Korean tradition of three generations living under one roof appears as well. The residing period at one place becomes longer as people grow older, which shows clearly the characteristic of 'ageing in place', therefore in order to continue to provide housing support to the elderly, the characteristics of each elderly stage will have to be considered. In the life of the elderly, more and more hobby groups and meetings among the older popUlation have been created, which means that elderly centered social activities will become more various, and facilities and community activated methods will have to be provided accordingly. Elderly people become less adaptable in new housing environments as they get older, therefore the housing has to accommodate their capability to adapt and the degree of aging. The stage of elderly can be used as a basic reference for a more effective solution when planning elderly housing in the future.

참고 자료



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