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중추청각처리장애의 진단을 위한 청각학적 평가

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국청각언어재활학회 수록지정보 : 청능재활 / 6권 / 1호
저자명 : 장현숙



한국어 초록

Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is caused by difficulties in processing auditory information in the central auditory nervous
system although the peripheral auditory system is normal. As CAPD can affect listening, understanding, language development
and learning, it can be a serious problem for school-aged children. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment and diagnostic procedures
are needed for understanding the nature of the presenting difficulties of each individuals suspected of having CAPD. Screening and
diagnostic assessments for CAPD were reviewed. Screening tests included a questionnaire, checklists and behavioral tests relating to
auditory dysfunctions. Diagnostic assessments included a case history, peripheral assessments, behavioral and electrophysiologic
tests. The behavioral CAPD battery could include at least five test areas; temporal processing tests, dichotic tests, monaural low-redundancy
tests, binaural interaction tests, and auditory discrimination tests. Although interest in the diagnosis, treatment, and management
of CAPD has been growing in various fields, CAPD is not properly identified and treated in Korea due to lack of behavioral
testing tools. In order to develop a comprehensive assessment battery for CAPD patients in korea, parameters and age norms of each
test should be determined.
KEY WORDS:Binaural interaction tests·Central auditory processing disorder·Dichotic tests·Monaural low-redundancy
tests·Temporal processing tests.

영어 초록

Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is caused by difficulties in processing auditory information in the central auditory nervoussystem although the peripheral auditory system is normal. As CAPD can affect listening, understanding, language developmentand learning, it can be a serious problem for school-aged children. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment and diagnostic proceduresare needed for understanding the nature of the presenting difficulties of each individuals suspected of having CAPD. Screening anddiagnostic assessments for CAPD were reviewed. Screening tests included a questionnaire, checklists and behavioral tests relating toauditory dysfunctions. Diagnostic assessments included a case history, peripheral assessments, behavioral and electrophysiologictests. The behavioral CAPD battery could include at least five test areas; temporal processing tests, dichotic tests, monaural low-redundancytests, binaural interaction tests, and auditory discrimination tests. Although interest in the diagnosis, treatment, and managementof CAPD has been growing in various fields, CAPD is not properly identified and treated in Korea due to lack of behavioraltesting tools. In order to develop a comprehensive assessment battery for CAPD patients in korea, parameters and age norms of eachtest should be determined.KEY WORDS:Binaural interaction tests·Central auditory processing disorder·Dichotic tests·Monaural low-redundancytests·Temporal processing tests.

참고 자료



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