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제주도 초등학생의 체질량 지수가 신체능력검사와 식‧생활습관에 미치는 영향

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 14권 / 3호
저자명 : 강두식, 최태희


I. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구 방법 및 절차
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론

한국어 초록

유년기의 소아 비만은 성인 비만으로 이어지고 신체조성의 획기적인 변화나 비만은 유년기에 발생하며, 일부 아동은 질병에 걸릴 위험이 크다(김창규 등, 2005). 소아 비만은 고지혈증을 유발하여 심혈관 질환의 1차 위험 인자인 동맥경화증을 초래하며, 중증도 이상의 비만아는 간 기능 이상 및 지방간, 고혈압 및 인슐린 내성에 의한 당뇨병, 관절염, 변비, 수면 무호흡증, 피부 질환, 각종 암의 위험성도 높아진다. 또한 비만아는 체형, 운동 능력에 열등감을 갖게 되고 결과적으로 대인관계 장애나 사회적 고립을 보일 수 있어 정신적‧사회

영어 초록

This study was performed to 651(330 boys, 121 girls) elementary school students in Jeju, and as the result of comparative analysis of the effect of Body Mass Index(BMI) on events of physical ability examination and children eating habits is as follows.
1. Actual condition of obesity
It present that there are 494 children(75.9%) as a normal group, 91 children(14.0%) as a obesity-risk group, and 66 children(10.1%) as a obesity group. There is no significant difference in obesity level by each school year, but in obesity level by gender, girls are more than boys in normal group by 258 children(52.2%), and in a obesity-risk group and a obesity group, boys are more than girls by 55 children(60.4%) and 39 children(59.1%) respectively.
2. Relation between events of physical ability examination in each group
As the result of analysis of relation between physical ability examination in each group, a normal group has good record significantly in 50m run, Sit Up, standing long jump, and 1000m long distance run-walk as compared to a obesity-risk group and a obesity group. However there is statistically no significant difference between groups in Sit and Reach.
3. Relation between weight, physical strength, and exercise habits in each group
Children in a obesity group are concerned about their weight much more than a normal group, and most of children indicate the food intake control and exercise method as a right method of weight control. On the one hand, it is presented that they did not recognize their physical strength level exactly.
There is no significant difference between groups in exercise habits such as exercise type, exercise frequency, and exercise time so on, and there are 145 children(22.3%) who participate in exercise program, 181 children(44.8%) who take exercise two days or less a week, and 264 children(40.6%) who take exercise for less than 30 minutes a day.
4. Relation between eating habits in each group
As the result of analysis of relation between eating habits in group, there is no significant difference. Special thing is children in a obesity group had a vegetable-centered meal more than a normal group and a obesity-risk group, ate less food for a snack, and did not have an unbalanced diet very much.

※ Key words : BMI, physical fitness, eating & living habits

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2024년 07월 27일 토요일
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