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스포츠 규칙의 윤리학

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 10권 / 1호
저자명 : 김상용, 최근무


Ⅱ.스포츠 규칙과 도덕
Ⅲ.스포츠 규칙에 있어서 윤리적인 내용
Ⅳ.스포츠 규칙에 있어서 반윤리적인 내용

한국어 초록

영어 초록

The circumstances sorrounding sprot give rise to many ethical issues that require the current attention of philosophy in order to advance sport rule institutions. The widespread use of performance enhancing drugs, for example, raises the question of fairness in competition and role of the coach in regulating condect.
Additionally the question of whether athletes should be able to use potentially foul in the first place, and to what extent they are consenting to the possibility of social of phychological damage when they do so, must be raised.
Sport also plays an important role in mirroring a fulture.
A good example is in the current debate over whether drug should be used of prohibited in sport if the athlete chooses to use them in order to inprove his performance with a proper undstant of the possible dangers. Violations of the rules do occer in sport. If is perhaps a natural outgrowth of the pave of contests and the desires of the participants to win.
Most fouls are unintentional and some even unavoidable. While these may slow the flow of the game and cause the partivipants to lose concentration, they are perhaps not morally or contractually condemnable.
In the last subsection we dismissed cheating as a violation without much discussion , But is cheating such a bad thing ?
If cheating were admitted info the basic agreement on the contest at least those grey areas which fee like cheating but perhaps are not , such as the intentioanl violation mentioned above then we would have to admit that partivipants may engage in such bahavior and still remain good sports man.

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