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韓國大學敎育財政의 現況과 問題點및 그 改善方案에 關한 硏究 : 國立大學敎處遇 問題를 中心으로

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최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 수록지정보 : 교육연구 / 1권 / 1호
저자명 : 文秉根


Ⅱ.인적자본이론과 교육투자
Ⅲ.韓國 敎育財政의 現況 및 問題點
Ⅳ.국립대학 교원의 처우문제

영어 초록

It Is widely accepted that education plays a crucial fole for the development of a nation. The development of science and technologh formed through the increased investment in higher eduation is colosely related to the economic development of a country.
Korea has relatively affluent human resources, the efficient utiligation of which is important for her development.
However, the current status of Korea's educational investment is far below its desired level.
Since the early 1970s there has been a remarkable expansion in the number of Korea's higher education students, but the quality of education hasn't improved due to the lack of government investment in higher education. The fimancial status of education rather drifted from bad to worse for the past 20 years. The development of higher education is handicapped by the shortage of professors, research staffs, and other physical facilities caused by the poor financial status.
As a result faculty staffs pecuniary compensation has also been low relative to other occupations. The comparison of the pecuniary treatment among faculty staffs of different universities and other sectors are illustrated.
considering education's influential spillover- effect on the social and economic development, the goverment and private sector should take new measures to mobilige the educational finance to meet the growing needs of educations, srich are illustrated in this paper.

참고 자료



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韓國大學敎育財政의 現況과 問題點및 그 改善方案에 關한 硏究 : 國立大學敎處遇 問題를 中心으로
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