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판소리 명창 송만갑의 생애와 예술 세계

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30페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국구비문학회 수록지정보 : 구비문학연구
저자명 : 이경엽


1. 머리말
2. 송만갑의 생애와 활동 내용
3. 송만갑의 예술 세계
4. 맺음말

한국어 초록

송만갑(宋萬甲, 1865-1939)은 근세 최고의 명창으로 꼽히는 인물이다. 그의 명성은 판소리 최고 가문 출신이라는 특별한 지위와 탁월한 예술적 역량으로부터 비롯되었다고 할 수 있다. 가왕(歌王) 송흥록으로부터 송광록과 송우룡을 거쳐 송만갑으로 이어지는 가계의 소리는 판소리사상 계보가 가장 확실하고 유서 깊은 소리로 평가된다. 또한 그는 가계 소리의 전승자로 그치지 않고 그것을 창조적으로 계승 발전시켰으며, 대중 공연이나 교육 활동 등에도 적극적으로 참여하여 많은 업적을 남긴 것으로 유명하다.

영어 초록

Song Man-Kab is a person who is designated to a celebrated singer in the mordern history of Pansori. He investigated the new type of Pansori which is different the old one, then he borned the new current of Pansori, the named of 'change of the mordern history of Pansori'. And in the early of 1900's, he participated in 'Hyeobyulsa' and 'Wonkaksa' when the Pansori is to be a performance, then corresponded with the new cultural circumstance. Besides he brought to plentiful many disciples through the Research association of Cho-Seon's traditional music when the Pansori would be recovered in the era of Japanese colony.
Anyway his profession and activity can be said to keep a special signification in the mordern history of Pansori. Specially, the Pansori of 1900's was not to success to the old technique entirely, fell into the imfimity of Seolum-jo which was the central point of Kyemyeon-jo and was changed to special technical activity. Therefore we will need to attention to Song Man-Kab' Pansori. Also, aesthetics of his Dongpyeon-je, which is the korean straight and strong traditional song, is to be attentioned again in order to hand down the Pansori evenly. Furthermore he corresponded to the change of era with devotion and tradition, pioneered creative world of art beyond the old Pansori and would be chase to popularity and artistry. Consequently it is said that his world of art suggests many points of meaning in these times.

참고 자료



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