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auto- self, own autoagglutination The clumping of red blood cells caused by an individual`s own serum.
bi- two bidactyly An abnormal condition in which only the first and fifth digits are present.
brady- slow bradycardia A condition in which the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute.
cata- down catabolism A metabolic process in which complex substances are broken down by living cells into simple compounds.
circum- around circumcorneal Pertaining to the area of the eye surrounding the cornea.
contra- opposite, against contralateral Affecting or originating in the opposite side of a point reference, such as a point on a body.
de- lack of, removal dehydration Excessive loss of water from body tissue.
di- through, complete, two diplegia Paralysis of the same body part on both sides of the body.
dia- through, complete, two dialysis The processing of cleaning wastes from the blood when the kidneys fail.
dis- apart from disarticulation Seperation of a joint without cutting through a bone.
dys- bad, painful, abnormal, difficult dysphagia Difficulty in swallowing.
e- out evisceration The removal of the viscera of the abdominal cavity - disembowelment.
ec- out, outside, out of ecchymosis A bruise
echo- sound echocardiography The use of ultrasound to study the structure and motion of the heart.
ecto- outer ectodermal dysplasia A genetic disorder in which there is abnormal development of the skin, nails, teeth, and sweat glands.
en- in entropion A coindition in which the eyelid turns inward toward the eyeball.
end- within endarterectomy The surgical removal of fatty or cholesterol plaques and/or calcified deposits from the internal wall of an artery.

참고 자료

아이폰용 어플리케이션 Mosby`s iTerms

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