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센겔 앤 볼스 열역학 5th 솔루션 CH2-2

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30페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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센겔 앤 볼스 열역학 5th 솔루션입니다.


Energy and Environment


2-79C Energy conversion pollutes the soil, the water, and the air, and the environmental pollution is a serious threat to vegetation, wild life, and human health. The emissions emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels are responsible for smog, acid rain, and global warming and climate change. The primary chemicals that pollute the air are hydrocarbons (HC, also referred to as volatile organic compounds, VOC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO). The primary source of these pollutants is the motor vehicles.

2-80C Smog is the brown haze that builds up in a large stagnant air mass, and hangs over populated areas on calm hot summer days. Smog is made up mostly of ground-level ozone (O3), but it also contains numerous other chemicals, including carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter such as soot and dust, volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as benzene, butane, and other hydrocarbons. Ground-level ozone is formed when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react in the presence of sunlight in hot calm days.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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센겔 앤 볼스 열역학 5th 솔루션 CH2-2
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