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AP US History Unit IV Notes -Andrew Jackson

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 AP 클래스에서 필기했던 내용의 노트입니다.
Unit IV의 수업내용을 담고 있습니다.
글씨크기가 8pt 라서 꽤나 많은 내용을 담고 있습니다.
총 15 페이지 입니다.


I. The Age of Jackson 1828-1850
A. Democracy and the “common man”
1. Expansion of suffrage
2. Rotation in office (“spoils system”)
B. Removal of American Indians
C. Internal Improvements and States’ Rights
D. The Nullification Crisis
1. Tariff Issue
2. The Union: Calhoun and Jackson
E. The Bank War: Jackson and Biddle
F. Second Party System: Whigs and Democrats
G. Martin Van Buren
1. Panic of 1837
2. Independent Treasury System
H. The Election of 1840
II. Creating an American Culture
A. Cultural Nationalism
B. Reforming/Religious Revivalism
C. Utopian Experiments
III. Territorial Expansion and Sectional Crisis
A. Manifest Destiny and Mission
B. Texas Annexation, Oregon and California
C. James K. Polk and the Mexican War
D. Slavery and the Wilmot Proviso


*The election to the presidency of Andrew Jackson signaled a new spirit of mass democracy that swept through America society, bringing new energy as well as conflict and corruption to public life.
*The attempt to improve America’s faith, morals, and character affected nearly all areas of American life and culture – culminating in the great crusade against slavery.
*American expansion gained momentum in the 1840s, leading first to the acquisition of Texas and Oregon, and then to the Mexican War, which added vast southwestern territories and ignited the slavery question.
Election of 1828
AJ felt entitlement as a war hero; plurality of votes>beat Adams (brought up important issues); all about winning elections in country; common people descend on White House after inauguration—party in White House; 1828-1837
-Democratic Party: represented party without apology, does not care about other party
-Age of “Common Man;” AJ was first rags to riches president;
-Irish mother (AJ hated the British<lost his mother and two brothers in the Revolutionary War); killed Charles Dickinson, AJ grew up as a subsistence farmers
-AJ was handled well by his campaign people-prevented him from killing people, made him more family- friendly
-Rachel (his wife) and him were accused of adultery<something had gone wrong with Rachel’s earlier divorce, they hadn’t known and had fixed it as soon as possible; Rachel died before Jackson entered the White House

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AP US History Unit IV Notes -Andrew Jackson
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