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Clark, molecular biology 책의 ch13의 발표부분입니다.
그당시 꽤 신경써서 만들었습니다.


Chemical Mutagens Damage DNA
Radiation Causes Mutations
Spontaneous Mutations Can Be Caused by DNA Polymerase Errors
Mutation Can Result from Mispairing and Recombination
Spontaneous Mutation Can Be the Result of Tautomerization
Spontaneous Mutation Can Be Caused by Inherent Chemical Instability
Mutations Occur More Frequently at Hot Spot
How Often Do Mutations Occur?
Reversions Are Genetic Alterations That Change the Phenotype Back to Wild-type
Reversion Can Occur by Compensatory Changes in Other Genes
Altered Decoding by Transfer RNA May Cause Suppression
Mutagenic Chemicals Can Be Detected by Reversion
Experimental Isolation of Mutations
In Vivo VS. In Vitro Mutagenesis
Site-Directed Mutagenesis


Mutation tRNA molecules are known that read stop codons and insert a.as. This suppresses nonsense mutation suppressor rRNA
Suppressor tRNA mutations can only occur if a cell has more than one tRNA that reads a particular codon
Suppression ranges from 10 to 40%
Sometimes, suppressor rRNA will suppress other stop codon and generate longer versions proteins whose gene were never mutated

Frameshift suppressor tRNA have an enlarged
anticodon loop & four base anticodon
They can suppress the effects of a frameshift
mutation that cause by single extra base insertion

참고 자료

Clark, molecular biology
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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