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From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

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From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
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From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
Maya Angelou ( 1928- )

Maya Angelou is among the best known African American writers. She was asked to read at President Clinton`s inauguration, the first time a poet had been so honored since Robert Frost read at President Kennedy`s inauguration. Born into poverty in rural Arkansas, an unwed mother at sixteen, Angelou nevertheless became a dancer, singer, actress, poet, and playwright. She is currently the Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University.

Another day was over. In the soft dark the cotton truck spilled the pickers out and roared out of the yard with a sound like a giant`s fart. The workers stepped around in circles for a few seconds as if they had found themselves unexpectedly in an unfamiliar place. Their minds sagged.
In the Sore the men`s faces were the most painful to watch, but I seemed to have no choice. When they tried to smile to carry off their tiredness as if it was nothing, the body did nothing to help the mind`s attempt at disguise. Their shoulders drooped even as they laughed, and when they put their hands on their hips in a show of jauntiness, the palms slipped the thighs as if the pants were waxed.

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english literature.
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